Change Your Energy Heal Your Life
- Would you like more confidence, clarity and direction in life?
- Would you like to reduce your stress levels in just minutes?
- Do you often feel overwhelmed and need some 'me time' to recharge your batteries?
- Do you need some true inspiration to start making real change in your life?
- Would you like to master your meditation and breathwork practice?
- Are you interested in mystical experiences & awakening higher states of consciousness?
- Would you like to understand the proven health benefits of meditation and how it will change your life?
Then the Limitless Initiatives workshop is for you!

"I first met Damien at an event by Dr Joe Dispenza and I was in awe at his determination to help others, and his ability to heal himself physically, mentally and emotionally. Damien is now a transformation coach who continues to inspire and uplift all those whose paths he crosses. His passion for teaching personal transformation is inspirational."

New dates will be announced shortly
Locations will be announced shortly
Learn how to improve your life and reduce stress through meditation and breathwork
“An eight week study conducted by Harvard researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) determined that meditation literally rebuilds the brains grey matter in just eight weeks.”
- Receive an instant FREE Download of Damien's powerful 'Heart Activation Meditation'
- Learn the Scientifically proven health benefits of meditation
- Discover the impact stress and fear have on your immune system
- Learn about the roll your thoughts and emotions play on your physical well being
- Take part in live guided group meditations and breathwork
- Have the opportunity to connect with like minded people
- Master your understanding of energy and matter
- Learn about the mind body connection and the power of expressing your authentic self
- Join us to learn practical and easy-to-implement skills of breathwork and meditation in a safe environment
"Damien's personal transformation is living proof of the power we all have to heal and create a better life. Damien's workshops provide the path from which we can all learn."

"From the depths of suffering to the heights of his rebirth. We all have deep lessons to learn from Damien’s story and can use his teaching as a model for healing and change."

Damien Horton
Damien Horton is an Author, Transformation Coach & Motivational Speaker from Byron Bay Australia.
After healing himself from critical injuries and depression following a severe car accident in August 2007 he set out on a 10-year journey of research into the science of the mind-body connection, healing, meditation, neuroscience, consciousness and epigenetics.
Today Damien runs Live Workshops on Personal Transformation, Meditation and Mind Over Matter and also provides one-on-one coaching for his clients.
He founded ‘Limitless Initiatives’ in 2021 to educate his students with the necessary tools to unlock their full potential and accomplish true change in their lives.
Damien’s recent workshop was incredibly inspiring and the breathwork was profound!
His passion is evident through how he effortlessly teaches the mind body connection. I felt completely safe in his hands and will 💯 be attending the advanced workshop! Thank you Damien for all that you do 🙏

"Damien is an amazing teacher and his story has been so inspiring. I loved his book and absolutely loved this workshop. Thank you for sharing your life experience and mentoring us along the way Damien. Looking forward to the advanced workshop!”

Reasons For You To Start Meditating
Increases Immune Function
Increases Positive Emotion
Decreases Anxiety
Makes You Feel Less Lonely
Makes Your More Compassionate
Improves Your Ability To Introspect
Increases Your Focus And Attention
Improves Your Ability To Multitask
More Testimonials
"Damien’s experience of his near death experience is really felt and transferred in his workshop. I did the half day meditation course and got so much out of it, he has cutting edge proof from universities and scientists that meditation positively affects us in so many ways. He took us through guided meditations which were awesome and special breathing techniques - I highly recommend Damien’s workshops”

"If you're not captivated and moved after two minutes of listening to Damien speak, I would have to check your pulse! From complete tragedy to absolute triumph. Damien's journey and teaching, and what a human being is capable of achieving needs to be heard by all. Prepare to be inspired!"

"I absolutely recommend Limitless Initiatives! Damien has been there and done that - healing himself from rock bottom to become the empowered man he is today. Not only has he succeeded in transforming his life – but he is also a man who takes action on the words he speaks, a true leader"
- Luke Sebastiani
we look forward to seeing you at the next live workshop
New dates will be announced shortly